- 1. Create a new composition.
- 2. Draw a sketch of folder. It can be drawn as a draft (I drew this by a mouse. It is not too accurate but enough for our purposes). Put it in a separate semitransparent layer and use it just as markup for next steps.
- 3. Now we will use the
"Pan" Photoshop's vector tool for following productive drawing
- 4. The folder will be consisted from 3 parts. A back, middle and front pages. Let's start from the back page. Outline the back page by a vector contour
- 5. Align all path's points as you need by the Photoshop's
"Direct Selection Tool". And fill the path by white and fill outline by black color
- 6. Now go to into Layer's propertied and switch on the follow effects:
"Inner Shadow",
"Bevel and Emboss",
"Gradient Overlay", and
"Stroke". It is not important to setup layer's effects exactly as I made it in this tutorial. Give vent to fantasies. But it is important to make the page with gradients and smoothed edges because follow engraver filter will give most impressive results on gradient passages.
In result you should have the follow result for the back page.
- 7. Repeat this steps for middle and front pages. (the middle page you can leave as white). In result our folder should look some like this
As a final touch – add a shadow under our folder and switch off the "Sketch" layer
Now we are ready to transform our b&w tonar drawing into a stylish engraved print.- 8. Merge all pages into one layer.
- 9. Launch the
AlphaPlugins EngraverIII plug-in. (you can install and use it in trial mode several days)
- 10. It is not necessarily to repeat Engraver settings exactly as in this tutorial. You can apply one parameters preset from factory presets list. Or experiment with parameters self. In any way, the end appearance of engraving pattern will depend on your taste and your needs.
- 11. After you finish to adjust engraver's parameters then just press
"OK" button and apply result
- 12. Exactly similar like you drew an open folder you can draw and a closed folder to.
- And dont forget about shadow as an end touch.
( Put attention, If your folder should be in a small resolution then the Engraver's pattern can be made more large. Esle lines can merge and interfere.) | |  |
| This tutorial explained simple steps how to create a stylish user interface elements looked as hadn-drawn. This tutorial uses a great Photoshop's plug-in the AlphaPlugins EngraverIII. The resut of this tutorial is really used for decoration a nice iOS app the Engraver. See sample of really usage of engraved folder pictures here.
The video demonstrates this tutorial folders usage
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