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AlphapPlugins. The professional plug-ins filters for Adobe compatibles graphical editors such as Photoshop, After Effects, Premiere, CorelDraw, Painter, Affinity and etc.
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Adobe Photoshop plug-ins
Adobe Photoshop FiltersPhotoshop Plug-ins

Press releases
Photoshop CS plug-insPremiere CS plug-ins
Adobe Photoshop FiltersPhotoshop Plug-ins
Engraver plug-in  EngraverIII

Digitalizer plug-in  DigitalizerII

FireFor plug-in  Fire4

TurbulenceDistortion plug-in  TurbulenceDist

DigitalChaos plug-in  DigitalChaos

RichText plug-in  RichText

Ice Pattern plug-in  IcePattern

Alpha PhotoFX plug-in  AlphaPhotoFX

Fir Tree plug-in  FirTree

AlphaPlugins HDR Enhanced video plug-in  HDR Enhanced

AlphaSXPlayer  alphaSXplayer

Photoshop CS plug-insPremiere CS plug-ins
Adobe Photoshop FiltersPhotoshop Plug-ins

AlphaStar tutorialDynamic Sparks on raster text perimeter
Ice Pattern tutorialGrow frost plants along any contours!
Ice Pattern tutorialCreate ice pattern along selection!
Fire tutorialFire combustion effect
Curtains tutorialCreate Dynamical Curtains
AlphaStrip tutorialStylishportrait by AlphaStrip

Photoshop CS plug-insPremiere CS plug-ins
Adobe Photoshop FiltersPhotoshop Plug-ins
F.A.Q. Frequently asked questions about our software.

Q. I download and installed your plug-ins. In the preview window everything is OK. But if I apply your filter on a picture then I can see blue and red lines. What is it?

A. Until you don't get a registration key you can use our filters in demo mode for testing and reviewing. In demo mode our filters draw a color grid upon result pictures. If you purchase our software and register it then filter will work without any limitation. And will not draw color lines on result images.

P.S. There are not limitations if you use our free plug-ins.

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Q. Can I use your plugins in Paint Shop Pro.?

A. Yes. You can use our products with any graphical editors which support plug-ins modules of Adobe Photoshop. Aspecially Paint Shop Pro can support our filters. For see our plug-ins in Paint Shop Pro's filter menu You should install our modules in properly plug-in folder or set additional plug-in folder in Paint Shop Pro's preferences.

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Q. Can you please forward to me the system requirements for the Water for AE and Lens Pro for Photoshop?
We need to know what OS they work with, RAM requirements, any special display cards or other hardware needed, and what versions of AE and Photoshop they work with.

A. We have not any special requirements for our products. Our plug-ins demand not many system resources and if you can launch AE on your PC then you can launch and our filters also. If you need a some list of system requirement then you can use follow:

Windows 98 / NT/ Windows XP:
Windows NT version 4.0 or Windows 98 or later operating system.
An Intel processor-based PC with a 486/66, Pentium, Pentium II or Pentium Pro processor.
At least 32 megabytes of RAM, 64 megabytes of RAM recommended.
12-bit (4096) display color; true color (16.7M colors) recommended.
640 x 480 display resolution; 800 x 600 or better recommended.
5 megabytes of free disk space for installation.

MacOS 9.0 or Mac OS X (see a list of available versions for each product)
A PowerMac (or compatible) with any PowerPC processor.
At least 32 megabytes of RAM, 64 megabytes of RAM recommended.
12-bit (4096) display color; true color (16.7M colors) recommended.
640 x 480 display resolution; 800 x 600 or better recommended.
5 megabytes of free disk space for installation.

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Q. Sir, I am working on a Macintosh Power PC G4, Mac OS X version 10.4.8.
Is your LensPro filter plug-in for Photoshop v.3.84 compatible with my computer, on Photoshop CS (version 8.0)?

A. For MacX we have LensProIII v.3.7. This version is compatible with Mac OS X and Photoshop CS.
LensProIII v.3.84 there is only for Win. But there are small defferences between v 3.7 and 3.84. These deferences have releation only for Win interface. Functionality of these versions is same.

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Q. Is it correct that this product is for Intel only, while "Water" is for Intel and Mac?

A. We have Mac versions for almost of all our products except few latest, because Mac versions for them aren't ready yet.
You can find list of available versions for each products on product's pages. In bottom of each product description there is a list of available versions. If you see a Mac OS X version then you can download and test it on your environment.

* * *

Q. Can't get the Engraver 1.2 filter for XP to work with Photoshop7.0.

A. Indeed, our plug-ins should work in all photoshop versions. First of all, please, download the latest version of Engraver v 1.25 for Photoshop from our site.
I use PhotoshopCS (Photoshop 8 ) and PhotoshopCS2 without problems. Please, be carriful during installation process and put the correct path for Photoshop 7 plug-ins folder. One or two year ago I used Photoshop 7 for testing and there are not any problems with it. I hope you can install our filter successfully.

* * *

Q. When I open a black and white photo, an error message says there are less than three layers of color.

Does Engraver only work with color images?

A. Usualy I make filters for RGB image mode because Photoshop allows easy convert any B&W picture in RGB colors and back. If you download black and white picture then you can use Photoshop's menu "Images/Mode/RGB Color".

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Q. When I opened a color jpeg, the preview screen now shows the lines, but when I click OK, the lines that are applied to the image are not the same as were in the preview window, AND there is still some color in parts of the screened imaged. Is the output supposed to be in color?

A. If you apply Engraver on RGBA layer then Engraver cuts layer by alpha channel and you can see layer under them. This possibility is helpful if you want to make a sophisticate multilayer composition. And you can be confused if you see underlayed layers throw cut layer. If you want see black background then create empty layer and fill it by black color (or any another).

Also if you use Engraver as demo version then tou can see blue color cells on result images. The registered version doesn't draw this color grid.

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Q. I use Digital Fusion 5 to do compositing. Fusion can use AE plug-ins and most work really well.

Do you have a demo of your plug-ins that I can check before I buy to make sure they work?

Q. I looked at your Engraver for Photoshop and tried to download a trial version for a project we would like to do. I think this plug in will work but I would like to try it first.

A. Yes. We have demo and trial versions of our products. You can download trial versions from our site and test how they work in your environment. Trial versions are same as full versions but they have a time limitation. After some time trial versions become work as demo versions (they will draw color grid on result pictures). If a trial or demo version will be registered then it becomes to work as a full version without any limitation.

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Shopping questions.

Q. I bough LensProIII plug-ins some years ago. Recently, I've downloaded latest version of LensPro from your site and installed on my PC. But your filter asks a registration number. The number that I have is not matched!

Could I get a new serial number or I should purchase your plug-in again? And can I have a discount?

A. Yes. You can get a new registration number absolutely free. We many years keep the policy that if a customer purchased our plug-in in past then he can get all updates and latest releases free.

Some time we have to change registration numbers for our products for protect our software against pirates.

If you once purchased our product and if after few years you download a latest release and your registration number doesn't work then just write email to me admin@alphaplugins.com and I'll send for you a new registration number.

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Q. I purchased some your filters on www.panopticum.com site. Could I have a technical support and free updates on your site?

A. A. The problem is that if you purchased our software with our resellers then they don't tell me details about them clients. And I cannot check is you legal customer or not. In any case if I receive a request from a customer who wants to have new releases then I write a request to reseller's manager and ask him about this customer. But manager not all time share his information about his customers. And in this case I recommend to ask latest versions throw the reseller. If you ask reseller about technical support then he usually resends your request to me.

Try to purchase our software directly from our site and you avoid any difficulties with future updates and technical support.

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Q. I was e-mailed notification that the purchase of Engraver was approved and paid for through share-it. The e-mail included a product key code but did not include a download. How do receive the download?

A. To download Engraver plug-in you can from follow page.
Or for download any our product, please, visit this page.
Press "Download" button for Windows (or Mac) version of Engraver. Follow instruction and download the installer on your HDD. Launch it and install Engraver in properly plug-in folder of Photoshop. For Example, "C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Photoshop CS2\Plug-Ins\Filters\".
When you launch Photoshop and apply Engraver then you can see a window for plug-in registerration. Please, enter your serial number and press OK. After that you can use Engraver without any limitation.

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Q. Also I have Elements 2 on windows machine but Photoshop CS2 on my mac I am interested if I can use plugin on both? Thank you very much.

A. Yes. You can use both versions.
If you ask about serial numbers (in Mac and Win we have different), then don't worry. If you will purchase a Windows version and if you need to have a Mac serial number then ask me and I will send the Mac serial number as service.
If you worry about compatibility then you can download demo versions for Win and Mac and test how they work on your PCs.

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Q. I'm member of NAPP association. How can I get a discount for Photoshop plug-ins?

A. The NAPP site should contain links on the ShareIt service. By these links you can purchase our products with discount. I cannot check it because I haven't a NAPP registration number. But if there are some problems then I will contact with NAPP manager and ask him to check it.

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Q. How to use your shopping cart for buying several products?

A. If you want to add a product in the shopping cart then simple press the button "Add cart". When you will have some products in your cart then you can check out these. On the right side of our site there is a frame "Shopping cart". And here you can see how many items are contained in the cart. Click on blue link "item" here and you will go to shopping card page.

You will see a list of selected products. You can edit this list. In bottom of page there are 3 buttons. The middle button is named "Checkin". Press this button and you will go to next page. This page says that you will use ShereIt service. Please press the button "Checkin now". And you will come to ShareIt's safety page where you can finish you order.

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Q. How Who owns the copyright in images partly created using your Engraver Plugin? I am considering the purchase of your Engraver Plugin but I need know if I own the copyright to any images that I create using Engraver? Obviously, I respect your copyright in the plugin itself and would safeguard your intellectual property rights.

A. Of course, If you 'll purchased Engraver plug-in then all pictures what you will make with it's help will belong to you. It will your property. It is common approuch and usual it is not need to be writed specially. You can consider this letter as agreement if you have any doubts regarding copyrights of future pictures.

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Do You have a question?

If you have a question or request then you can write to me and I try to help you as quickly as it is possible.

write to me Write your question
Photoshop CS4 FiltersAfter Effects CS3 Filters
Adobe Photoshop FiltersPhotoshop Plug-ins
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Photoshop CS plug-insPremiere CS plug-ins
Adobe Photoshop FiltersPhotoshop Plug-ins

DigitalizerII plug-in
Digitalizer II

AlphaPlugins LaunchBox

Photoshop CS plug-insPremiere CS plug-ins
Adobe Photoshop FiltersPhotoshop Plug-ins

AlphaStar sample
AlphaStar Gallery

IcePattern sample
IcePattern Gallery

Water sample
Water Gallery

Photoshop CS plug-insPremiere CS plug-ins
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